Roses of certain colors symbolize and syand for different feelings or ideas so keep reading to learn what specific colors mean so you'll know the perfect color to say exactly what you want


Red roses exude passion, true love, desire, and romance. They are the perfect way to tell someone you love them. The red rose is one of the few flowers with an everlasting and crystal clear universal meaning: love.


White roses represent purity, innocence, and youthfulness. White roses are the symbol of chastity. They symbolize new beginnings and everlasting love. This is why white roses are traditionally associated with marriages.


Pink roses stand for femininity, elegance, refinement, sweetness, grace, gentleness, joy, and happiness. Pink roses are often given as a token of admiration and appreciation and are also a perfect way to convey condolences.


Yellow roses signify friendship, joy, caring; they convey warmth, delight. They symbolize good luck and the act of welcoming something,. They are also perfect for someone who needs a little cheering up.


Purple roses stand for enchantment, wonder, splendor, and mystery. They also can symbolize recent or new love. If you have a secret crush, purple roses may be the perfect way to let them know.


Black roses, commonly used during Halloween, represent death or the ending of a feeling, idea, or relationship. Since black roses don't exist naturally, they also represent feelings of mystery and elusiveness.


Orange roses stand for desire, fascination, enthusiasm, and energy. An orange rose is a great way to say "I am so proud of you" with a meaning of admiration and excitement.


Green roses represent harmony, fertility, rebirth and tranquility. As a gift, green roses symbolize a prosperous new life or wishes for the recovery of good health.


Blue roses represent mystery and illusion. They embody ultimate desire and lust. As they don't exist naturally, they represent mystery and elusiveness.